Dev Dad


May 01, 2020

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On January 20, the first COVID-19 confirmed cases occurred in South Korea, and the number of confirmed cases surged since then, experiencing an unprecedented emergency. The company started a telecommuting system, and the telecommuting, which had been expected to end in a short period of time, lasted for more than two months and was only available to meet colleagues via LAN.

Finishing two months of telecommuting, I visualized the trend from the outbreak of COVID-19 to the end of telecommuting.

COVID-19 outbreak trend

16, Feb

Reference: BBC News: Coronavirus pandemic

Data source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering

COVID-19 Temporary working place (my room)

2020.02.26. ~ 2020.04.29.

COVID-19 Temporary working place

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I am a developer dad with a son who dreams of a developer.
I'm interested in data visualization and enjoy creating fun programs.